Cases of mysterious pneumonia in children are rising across the world.

These are the current facts, and the recommendations from Xylonix [Updated 14 December 2023].

  • FACT | “White lung syndrome” is a wave of “pediatric” pneumonia reported first in China, with confirmed escalated cases in the USA, Netherlands, Denmark, and in France.
  • FACT | So far, authorities from China and USA reported the surge in pediatric pneumonia to consist of multiple pathogens including mycoplasma, respiratory syncytial viruses (RSV), and SARS-CoV-2. However, possibilities of a new pathogen has not been ruled out yet.
  • FACT | Korean government confirmed the current outbreak to be a more than just mycoplasma – practically most known respiratory infections are up. A rising concern now is of antibiotic and treatment resistance commonly observed in these new cases.
  • COUNTER-FACT | Some experts argued that this pneumonia is simply due to children not having any infections for years due to extended lockdown (“immunity debt”), and thus what is happening is not of extraordinary concerns. The argument is flawed as it cannot explain USA, Netherlands, Denmark, or France.
  • XYLONIX Views [Updated | 06 December 2023] | So far no evidence indicate that there is a new pathogen in play, and no clear evidence of cross-border contagion has emerged. However, pathological observations involving mycoplasma involvement is commonly identified across different countries, suggesting a pathological linkage. Based on the limited evidence so far, we are contemplating the long-term alveolar macrophage reprogramming effects from previous COVID-Spike protein exposure (read) as a potential susceptibility factor to this pediatric mycoplasma pneumonia cases, whereby the post-COVID alveolar macrophage in children fail to fight off the pathogens. Alveolar macrophages are the main immune cells for fighting off mycoplasma (read).
  • UNCONFIRMED BUT REQUIRING CAUTIONS| There is too little information available at this time for any reasonable conclusions, but given the lessons from our most recent pandemic experience following precautionary measures are recommended.
    • It is contagious – avoid spreading it, avoid catching it. Up your hygiene practices. Mask & spray.
    • Children may not be the only target – don’t overlook your own risks of infection. Anyone can be infected, and infect others.
    • Anecdotal experiences of the suspected pneumonia are that they are treatable, but the symptoms develop very fast (in minutes) and can be very severe. Take extra cautions and measure temperatures often, and do not hesitate to take your children to hospital.
    • Take note of any autoimmune or blood-clot type after-effects upon recovery – due to the intensity of the immune reactions and the concurrent circulation of COVID19, autoimmune symptoms may develop after recovery from this pneumonia. If you or your children develop any unusual swelling, pain, skin rashes, confusion, or dark eye bags, seek medical help immediately.

[Updated | 14 December 2023] 4x more Whooping Coughs, increased influenza and mycoplasma pneumonia – Govt’ task force set up in Korea to fight the rising cases of respiratory illnesses [read]

On 9th December 2023, South Korea reported further complications to the respiratory infectious disease outbreak with increasing cases of Whooping Cough and Influenza viruses, in addition to the already increasing mycoplasma and COVID19 infection cases. Of special note, Whooping Cough cases were up 4 times that of last year’s level, while influenza and COVID19 infection cases also overtook the mycoplasma case numbers. Korean government organized an inter-agency task-force to combat the multi-demic situation.

[Updated | 06 December 2023] China State Council orders to resume COVID19 testing at airports, schools, other institutions [read]

Radio Free Asia reported that Chinese local authorities were ordered by the State Council to resume COVID19 testing at airports, schools, and other institutions. A directive by China’s Ministry of Education dated 4th Dec also called on schools to take steps to mitigate the wave of COVID19 “winter disease”. China recently cited 7 pathogens including mycoplasma, RSV, seasonal influenza, and SARS-CoV-2 as the driver of the current pediatric pneumonia wave.

[Updated | 06 December 2023] Highly aggressive disease characteristics reported by Korean doctors, warning government to take actions

Korean pediatricians have reported a few key pathological aspects of the currently trending pneumonia. [Original report in Korean found here]

  • The pneumonia is mainly in pediatric patients, presenting mycoplasma infection.
  • High incidence of antibiotic resistance. This is the main concern in Korean healthcare community.
  • Rapid symptomatic progression: sudden appearance of fulminant lung inflammation visible on X-ray (white lung syndrome) within a day of fever development.

This blog will be updated as more facts come in on the topic. Please check back for the updates.

2 Reply on “Mysterious Pneumonia 2023 – [Observations & Analysis]

  • 정박사님 . 정보 감사 드립니다
    이제 한국에서도 이러한 내용 을 보도 하네요,,늘 늦네요,,,,
    수고 감사 드리며 기대 합니다

    • Yes, it appears that many infectious diseases are circulating simultaneously following the wave of COVID. I suspect the infectious disease tsunami to be a result of the post-COVID innate immunity dysfunction, and I am afraid it the situation will continue to worsen into the year end. Public hygiene practice, especially nasal hygiene, is becoming more important than ever.

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